Snow Angel Sidewalk Snow Removal Program
Want to help students and other Champaign-Urbana residents get around safely in winter? Sign up to help shovel snow! Keeping sidewalks passable means students and other residents can make it to their destinations without using the street or being uncomfortable and damp after trudging through deep snow.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is a Snow Angel volunteer responsible for? Volunteers agree to clear sidewalks of snow in a designated location within 48 hours of the end of a snow storm (preferably within 24 hours) when that snowfall has accumulated 2 inches or more of snow.
- What happens if I am out of town when it snows? This program operates on an honor system and we appreciate that sometimes people may experience circumstances that prevent their removing snow in the time period requested. We would ask that if you can find someone who would be willing to clear the snow on your route that would be wonderful, but it is not a requirement.
- Why do you need my email and/or phone number? We ask for your email so we can send you a confirmation email and communicate answers to any questions or needs you may have. We may also have information about the program that we would like to share. We offer the text messaging system so that you know when the city has activated the snow removal program which incorporates our volunteers. The emails and phone numbers are never used for anything but the snow removal program and are never shared/sold with or to anyone else.
- What if I want to sign up for only one side of the street on a designated block? That is expected. Most volunteers sign up for only one side of the street and sometimes only one section of a block. Just describe the sidewalk section you wish to be responsible for and indicate which side of the street or section of the block you wish to be responsible for. We ask for this information only to prevent volunteers from signing up for the same sections of sidewalk.
- Do I need to have my own snow removal supplies to volunteer for this program? No! Indicate so in the form, we will be in contact with you shortly.
Pictures and CommentsThrough the comment form, you can suggest routes to add or prioritize, nominate volunteers for Snow Angel of the Month, give feedback, or ask questions.
Liability FormVolunteers must indicate that they have carefully read and understand the liability form. Access it below or when you sign up to volunteer.
Nominate a Snow Angel
Honor a Snow Angel! This winter we have seen volunteers clearing the sidewalk of snow and ice. We are asking for nominations of people and/or businesses who are exceptional snow removal volunteers to be rewarded and recognized as “Snow Angels” at MTD and Urbana School Board meetings. Nominees do not need to be signed up in our Snow Removal Program, but can be someone in your neighborhood who always clears their sidewalk and helps neighbors with their sidewalk too.
C-U Safe Routes to School Project
1101 East University Avenue Urbana, IL 61802 217-384-8188 [email protected] |